Bruins Step To It Part 3: 24 Ways to Walk the Walk

People often underestimate the power of a simple walk. We not only walk to get to where we want to go, we walk to clear our heads, get exercise, and enjoy the scenery. This blog is part 3 of Bruins Step To It, a three part blog series on walking. Part 3, the last of our series, will explore easy ways to make walking a part of our lives!

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Walking at work

  1. Want to make a dull meeting more active? Have a walking meeting! Studies have shown that divergent thinking, such as brainstorming new projects, coming up with creative solutions to problems, and exchanging ideas, is increased when walking.
  2. Have a break? Take those 10 minutes to refresh your mind and take in fresh air outside.
  3. Experiencing jet lag? Walking outdoors will help you adjust to the time zone.
  4. Tree hugger? Help the planet by using a combination of public transportation and walking for your commute.
  5. Need to call or send a quick memo to a coworker? Head on over to their workspace and talk to them in person!
  6. Drive to work? Park your car farther away in the parking lot and get those steps in.
  7. Long call scheduled? Walk and talk!

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Walking for clarity

  1. Binge-watching a show? Break the cycle and walk around the block to restart your productivity.
  2. Feeling upset? Walking will uplift your mood and calm you down!
  3. Need inspiration in the kitchen? Stroll around the grocery store rather than having groceries delivered.
  4. Cluttered house? Set aside 30 minutes a day for house work or chores and increase your steps without leaving the space.

Walking for engagement

  1. Catching up with a friend? Go for a walk rather than sitting for coffee at a shop.
  2. Weighed down by the concrete jungle? Go on an adventure to find green space near you.
  3. Love podcasts? Increase your walking and listening time in one go!
  4. Passionate about cleaning up the environment? Walk around looking for and picking up litter. Bruin style #trashtag!
  5. Dog lover? Ask a neighbor if you can walk their dog. Put some extra money in your pocket and become a professional walker on the Wag app.
  6. Looking for new friends? Join a hiking group and explore nature.
  7. Dinner date? Instead of picking a restaurant ahead of time, walk around downtown to scout out something new.

UCLA2015-10Walking with Tech

  1. Have a competitive spirit? Download the StepBet app and bet on yourself to reach your walking goals.
  2. Feeling charitable? The Charity Miles app will donate to your chosen organizations for your walking efforts!
  3. Love globetrotting? World Walking gives you virtual walking routes from around the world.
  4. People person? Help someone with social anxiety or someone who wants a walking companion while getting paid with the People Walker app.
  5. Data driven? The Walkmeter measures time, distance, calories, steps, heart rate, pace, split times and elevation while flexing your stats.
  6. Goal oriented? A variety of tracking apps can help you reach your walking goals.


And that’s a wrap on Bruins Step To It! We hope you enjoyed the series and learned more about how to make walking a part of our busy lives. Do you have any ideas, tips, or strategies on how to walk the walk? Reach out to us on social media @healthyucla or send us an email at


Karan Ishii is an undergraduate student at UCLA majoring in Biology. She is a blogger for MoveWell of the UCLA Healthy Campus Initiative, as well as the Chief of Staff of the Student Wellness Commission and an intern at the Counseling and Psychological Services. She is passionate about dogs, curry, and skiing!