National Health Center Week 2015

We are in the middle of National Health Center Week! What are health centers you ask? According to the National Health Center Week website health centers are “… local community owned and operated businesses, Health Centers serve over 24 million Americans at more than 9,000 delivery sites in all 50 states.” Health centers help to provide affordable and quality healthcare to millions of Americans each year. Check out this infographic to see who uses health centers and why they are so important.

Here at the UCLA Healthy Campus Initiative, we have compiled a list of the 3 closest health centers near campus. Don’t hesitate to call or visit these centers if you are in need of affordable healthcare. If you don’t live near campus, click here and enter your zip code to find the nearest health center.

1. Venice Family Clinic – Simms/Mann Health & Wellness Center

2509 Pico Boulevard

Santa Monica, CA 90408

(310) 392-8630

2. Saban Community Clinic

8405 Beverly Boulevard

Los Angeles, CA 90048

(323) 653-1990

3. Westside Family Health Center

1711 Ocean Park Boulevard

Santa Monica, CA 90405

(310) 450-4773