
Ana Amador’s great passion is bringing healing to people and communities who have been through traumatic and adverse experiences. She can do this work as the Assistant Director of Education and Training at the UCLA-UCSF ACEs Aware Family Resilience Network (UCAAN) and owner of a private practice. She has many years of experience working in community mental health and has worked in close collaboration with outside agencies across the state to meet the multiple needs of vulnerable children and families from the child welfare system. She is passionate about supporting healing and wellbeing on an individual and collective level and is a strong believer that recovery is possible. When she is not at work, she loves to spend time with her family, friends, and my silly Boxer pups. She enjoystraveling, eating new cuisines, and just exploring. She loves to hear Audibles and podcasts about all types of subjects, but the thrillers always seem to be first in the queue. She is also a plant mom; She owns many, many plants.

As a change agent, she believes in shared social responsibility across sectors and fields, and the interconnectedness of organizational impact. When an organization and your values align, she truly believe magic can happen. Being part of the UCLA community, she has had the privilege and been given the opportunity to support and advocate for communities that are often alienated and marginalized. As a clinical trainer, consultant, curriculum developer, and as someone with lived experience it has been her mission to voice out and up the critical work, resources, and sustainability needed for communities of color.

“Social Work is the Art of Listening and the Science of Hope”. – Unknown

“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.” –Angela Davis

Ana Amador