People & Pollinators Panel Resource Guide

During Fall Quarter 2021, the EatWell Pod joined California Master Beekeeper Program manager (CAMBP) Wendy Mather, Bruin Beekeepers, jane b semel HCI community garden stewards, and the Food Studies undergraduate minor for an inspiring review on the people-pollinator connection.

Our panelists and participants explored how pollinators, especially bees, are valuable contributors to our varied food systems, and overall human and planetary health. A special thanks to our key speakers, Master Beekeeper Wendy Mather, Bruin Beekeeper’s Kian Nikzad, and Master Gardener at UCLA’s the jane b. semel HCI Community Garden James Bassett and Special Projects Coordinator Sage Thomason for sharing their progress and lessons learned in bringing bees to campus and building programs to connect our community to them.

Here you will find links to our resource guide and our panelists’ presentations (please note that you can click through the links and resources are underlined and highlighted in color in the guide):

EatWell People & Pollinators Resource Guide

Presentation Slides from Wendy Mather, California Master Beekeeper Program manager (CAMBP)

Presentation Slides from Bruin Beekeepers